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EUR Region: European Union

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    Submitting a product for decommissioning that is fit for purpose and in good condition means you will be responsible for shipping and handling charges.


What is the End-of-Life Program?

Responsible environmental stewardship is a fundamental part of our mission. We are committed to reducing our ecological footprint and promoting sustainability in our operations. We are excited to introduce our End-of-Life Program to further this commitment.

Our End-of-Life Program is designed to provide a responsible solution for disposing of products that have reached the end of their useful life.

As almost all of our armour and tactical solutions contain 100% non-biodegradable materials, this program offers a sustainable alternative to traditional disposal, ensuring that these materials are recycled, repurposed, or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

Key Features of Our EOL Program:

  • Safe Disposal: We collaborate with certified partners and manufacturers who adhere to strict environmental regulations to safely handle and dispose of products and assemblies, ensuring they cannot end up in the wrong hands.
  • Material Recovery: We recover materials from products, reducing the need for virgin resources and lowering the overall environmental impact, stabilising supply chains and helping to make downcycled products available in the civilian market.
  • Convenience: We've designed our program to be hassle-free. If you own a RONIN ARMOUR product that has reached its expiration date, scan the QR code on your product manual or manually fill out the form on the next page by using the button at the bottom of this page.

Why Participate in Our EOL Program?

  • Environmental Impact: By recycling your old products through our program, you contribute to a greener, more sustainable future by reducing waste and conserving resources.
  • Compliance: Our program ensures that you comply with local and national regulations regarding the disposal of non-degradable waste.
  • Corporate Responsibility: By partnering with us in recycling, you align your organisation with a socially responsible initiative, demonstrating your commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • Community Benefits: Participating in our program supports local European economies through specialised recycling and waste management jobs.


What can recycled armour materials be used for?

Ideally, fibers can be repolymerised into feedstock for new armour materials through a lengthy chemical treatment process, helping to stabilise supply chains and sustain prices. Fatigued or degraded fibers can be shredded and downgraded for new materials, such as felts and mats, often employed in demining equipment or fire-retardent clothing for firefighters.

Additionally, fibers can be repurposed for use in civilian applications, such as concrete reinforcements or cargo- and aerospace composite structures.

Will these materials end up in a new vest?

Not directly, no.

Once we receive the expired materials, we will sort and send them to processing partners, who will sift through them and determine where they can be best utilised based on their state. Pristine fibers may go through a recycling process to be reintegrated into new raw fibers for civilian applications or used as stock for felts for demining or anti-fragmentation products.

Is this solely for soft armour vests?

No, this program extends to hard armour and tactical products as well.

Are you making money selling these materials to vendors?

We do not make any money from returning or repurposing these materials.

Do you accept armour or tactical products from other manufacturers?

Yes, we do. However, note that we only provide free shipping labels for products we've manufactured. Please get in touch with us for more information.

If you own an expired RONIN ARMOUR product, scan the QR code at the back of the associated manual under the 'END OF LIFE AND DISPOSAL' chapter and fill out the form through that link.

If you have lost your manual, but the label contains the serial, lot and model number, you may:


The product information is incorrect, or this item doesn't exist.


Product Status
Full Warranty
Workmanship Warranty Expired
Product Decomissioned
Warranty Expired
Product Expiration
15 January, 2030

Your product is covered under our full warranty. If you discover any defects or issues from poor workmanship or the product falters from everyday use, you may contact us for a replacement. You can read our returns and refund policy here.

Your product is no longer covered by our workmanship warranty, meaning wear and tear is your own/your agency's responsibility. The product is still covered by our functionality warranty, meaning all advertised properties remain covered.

Your product warranty has expired. Wearing or using an expired armour system may lead to severe injury or death. It is strongly advised that the armour in question is decommissioned.

Your product is no longer covered by our workmanship warranty, meaning wear and tear is your own/your agency's responsibility. The product is still covered by our functionality warranty, meaning all advertised features remain covered.

Your product warranty has expired, but it may still work just fine. We recommend using the product until it somehow fails on its own or is so worn that you cannot justify using it any more.

This product is not registered or assigned, meaning you will not be notified if we discover a defect. Consider registering your product here.

This product has been registered or assigned. The assignee will be notified if we discover defects in the lot number.

Submit For Decommission Submit For Decommission



After decommissioning a piece of body armour or gear, we'll provide a 10% discount on your next purchase within the same product category.


We ensure your product gets responsibly downcycled, recycled or reused for civilian applications while keeping it out of the wrong hands.


What can recycled armour materials be used for?

Ideally, fibers can be repolymerised into feedstock for new armour materials through a lengthy chemical treatment process, helping to stabilise supply chains and sustain prices. Fatigued or degraded fibers can be shredded and downgraded for new materials, such as felts and mats, often employed in demining equipment or fire-retardent clothing for firefighters.

Additionally, fibers can be repurposed for use in civilian applications, such as concrete reinforcements or cargo- and aerospace composite structures.

Will these materials end up in a new vest?

Not directly, no.

Once we receive the expired materials, we will sort and send them to processing partners, who will sift through them and determine where they can be best utilised based on their state. Pristine fibers may go through a recycling process to be reintegrated into new raw fibers for civilian applications or used as stock for felts for demining or anti-fragmentation products.

Is this solely for soft armour vests?

No, this program extends to hard armour and tactical products as well.

Are you making money selling these materials to vendors?

We do not make any money from returning or repurposing these materials.

Do you accept armour or tactical products from other manufacturers?

Yes, we do. However, note that we only provide free shipping labels for products we've manufactured. Please get in touch with us for more information.


The product information is incorrect, or this item doesn't exist.

Thank you for sending a request.

We will get back to you in 72 hours regarding your decommission request.